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Monday, May 9, 2011

The Potato Bag Has Been Raised!: Mulching the Stalks

I wrote a bit back to cover half the green stalk's height/growth at around 8 inches. Well I know gardening is not an exact science. The stalks look about 8 inches to me. I mulched them to 1/2 their size with cut grass. That is about 4 inches of grass.

I will be doing this bag only with cut grass. I want to see if different materials matter. Anyway here are the pictures of the process. If you haven't tried bag potatoes. Do it! It is working great. The grass had several days to dry and yellow.  I don't think you want totally fresh grass because it might not dry out if you pack it in there fresh. It will stink.

The Potatoes are Tall Enough to be Mulched to 1/2 Their Height
The Potato Mulching Material is Mostly Dried Cut Grass
I Put in Enough Grass Clippings to Cover a Little Over 1/2 the Stalks

I guess I should clarify if you missed the other blog entries. You cover the stalks by 1/2 their height. I just want to make sure people don't take this to mean cover over 1/2 the stalks. That is accidently bury full stalks. The tops of the stalks should always stay above the added material.

I Filled the Bag and Covered 1/2 the Stalk's Height
The Before Picture to Compare to the Above After Picture

For those of you with a good eye... you can see chive cuttings on top of the potato growth (the 2nd picture up from here). I don't know if it works but onion scent is said to keep away a lot of critters. I figured I have excess chives. I might as well try the idea out.


  1. I added about two inches of leafgro to my trashbag potatoes Friday afternoon and they are about ready for more. They are growing like mad !!!


  2. I just added my 2nd layer yesterday. The bag is halfway up. And they are growing like mad. Let's hope for continued success!


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