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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The HEAT Baked My Potatoes

Just an FYI... Don't used green or semi-green grass clippings to fill your potato bags. I didn't take into account our 98 degree record yesterday, the moist grass, and the black bag. The bag heated up to the point it actually cooked my potato stalks. I killed my potatoes by using green grass. Lesson learned. Dirt or fully compost material as filler. Totally dry grass will also work.


  1. Same thing happened to me about a week ago. I had a month's worth of potato growth wiped out because I used too thick a layer of fresh grass clippings. It cooked the stems. Fortunately, it is not quite too late to replant.

  2. Do you think they will send out new stems?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I don't know, but I don't think so. This is my first time growing potatoes. I replanted rather than wait and see. When I was cleaning out the bags, I found that potatoes at the base of the stems that died first had turned into foul smelling goo. I assume the others were headed in that direction too.


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