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Sunday, April 1, 2012

Pak Choi! Is Not A War Cry: Chinese Cabbage, Greens & Raab Transplants

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I planted 'Black' kale, 'Vates' kale, 'Pak Choi' cabbage, broccoli raab, arugula and 'Broad London' leeks in cells. They should go into the ground as I write but I am holding them a few more days till the 30 degree nights are gone. These pictures are from about 5 days ago.

You can see I do over plant the cells. You can gently break them up, if you are careful not to damage the roots.  Or just pinch off the weakest plants and plant the plug with one plant per hole. The kales will get large as will all these plants. Make sure you only put 1 plant per hole, I know its tempting to plant more.

Vegetable Transplants - The Rusted Garden: Gary Pilarchik

The transplants are a good size. I have been putting them out in the sun over the last weeks.  A good way to deal with acclimating or 'hardening off' your transplants is to give them sun while in the cells. A combination of grow-lights and afternoon sun makes for strong plants that can go right in the garden when they are ready.

'Wild Italian' Arugula - The Rusted Garden: Gary Pilarchik
'Black' Kale - The Rusted Garden: Gary Pilarchik
'Vates' Kale - The Rusted Garden: Gary Pilarchik
'Pak Choi' Cabbage - The Rusted Garden: Gary Pilarchik
Broccoli Raab - The Rusted Garden: Gary Pilarchik
'Broad London' Leek - The Rusted Garden: Gary Pilarchik


  1. I didn't realize we were going back to the 30s and just planted a bunch of plants outside today, including pak choi seeds. I didn't get to harden anything off either, thanks to being sick for a few weeks. I hope they live....

    1. One night only. Tonight WBAL has night at 31 degrees and weather.com has night 36 degrees. My garden is at the base of a slope so it gets even a few degree cooler. Ill be putting in my final cool weather stuff Tuesday and Weds. Seeds and cool weather stuff should still be fine even if you just put it in. Stick a plastic cup over any plants. Good luck.


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