The Rusted Garden Journal

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Update on My Tomatoes, Containers, and Garden

First off it is nice knowing I have a third day to tend to the garden. My I wish you a peaceful Memorial Day to those that served and are serving. We have 3 days of 90 degree weather coming. That means GROWTH! Make sure your plants are well watered in.

My tomatoes are doing well. I talked about the leaf spot. The plants axed off my grow list are the two foot dwarf cherry tomatoes. They seemed vulnerable. Some potato leafs had it but I like their heirloom quality and a bit of tending solved the problem.  Here is their growth and progress updated. If your tomatoes are little, they will take off this week. Water them in really well today... Maybe some liquid fertilizer too!

Container Tomatoes 

The red container in the right corner holds the two foot dwarf cherries. They are growing fine but the leaf spot was on them and probably still is. I am treating them with wettable sulphur. The goal is to either remove damaged tomatoes, if you don't have time to tend or treat them. By treating them, the upper growth will outpace the bottom leaves. You will be able to remove the lower leaves, tend, and stop the spread. It is a lot of work, at times. With dwarf tomatoes they STOP growing. So you be the judge.

Tomato varieties above left to right are: 'Rutgers', 'Krim', 'Bradley', 'Virginia Slims' (1st red container), 'Dwarf Cherries', and 'Cherokee Purple' (off picture to right off dwarfs)

Container Swiss Chard, Kale, Peas, and a Tomato

The chard is 'Bright Lights" variety. You can see 2 1/2 gallon buckets work for it but the hot days aren't hear yet. We will see. You can also see the new grow on the the 'Rutgers' tomato if you enlarge the photo.

More Ground Planted Tomatoes

There are 5 in there and a 6th behind the blackberries.  The closet one by the red lettuce is "Bonnie". The three in the middle left to right are 'Suddath's Brandywine',  'Brandywine Pink',  'Homestead', and the hidden one is 'Orange Russian'. The two in the far back right (click photo) are 'Jersey Devil' and 'Orange Jubilee'.

More Tomatoes

The big one is 'Delicious'. Notice the alyssum and mound of cilantro.

Flowers are important to a garden because they attract beneficial insects and pollinators. I am using alyssum and flowered cilantro next to my vegetable plants but also have lots of flowers all over. Here are some pictures.

Irises, Columbines and Other Perennials

Rose: Notice the Colors. This Bloom Changes Color.


  1. Your garden is doing great. What zone are you in? I planted my tomatoes and they are not doing very well. I think it was too cold. A few that were sheltered are doing the best.

  2. Hello,

    Thanks. I am in Zone 7 Maryland. I have been battling odd weather this year but it has been warm recently. The heat is making everything take off.


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