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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Seeds from the State Fair for Fall Planting: Winter Radishes

I've cleared out more beds and am getting back into the swing of things. Here are some seed packets I bought at the fair. There was a large heirloom seed section.  I could have bought $100 worth of seeds. I decided to concentrate on seeds I could put in now and in the spring.

1. Radish: Round Black Spanish 55 days
This radish is known as a winter radish and can be harvested well in the winter. We will see.

2. Arugula: Wild Italian 45-60 days.
A different variety. Sturdy leaf that is cold tolerant.

3. Kohl Rabi: Purple Vienna 50-65 days.
Needs to go in 4 weeks before frost.

4. Radish: White Chinese Winter 25-30 days.
Develop best in cool weather.

5. Radish: Chinese Rose-Winter 20-50 days.
Fast growing and can stay in ground to continue maturing.

1 comment:

  1. I always find it hard to resist buying a ton of seeds too. Those are good choices!


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