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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Video: Tending Squash and Finding Squash Bug Eggs

Okay, I am no actor. This is my first voiced video. The beginning cracks me up but it isn't so so bad. It serves its purpose of showing a bit on tending squash but most importantly how to find squash bug eggs.

Hi Gary - Great video. I saw your posting on the VeggieGardeners newsgroup and decided to stop by because I ALWAYS get squash bugs (I also get vine borers - not sure if it's the same thing) Thanks for showing me what to look for. Do you just scrape the eggs off the leaves when you find them?

Well I forgot to say in the video to remove the eggs by tearing the leaf around the eggs or just removing the whole leaf. I wouldn't scrape or try and smash them. They are tuff eggs and if they fall to the ground intact, they will hatch. I wouldn't mass spray or dust your entire plant either. Just remove the eggs to a trash can.

Visit My Video How To Website: My Tomato and Vegetable Garden. Construction began July 2011 and it will host How to Garden Videos for all things gardening. The website differs from my blog: The Rusted Vegetable Garden in that it is primarily video content with few articles. The site will grow quickly.

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  1. Hi Gary - Great video. I saw your posting on the VeggieGardeners newsgroup and decided to stop by because I ALWAYS get squash bugs (I also get vine borers - not sure if it's the same thing) Thanks for showing me what to look for. Do you just scrape the eggs off the leaves when you find them?

  2. Yep I forgot to say to remove the eggs by tearing the leaf around them or remove the whole leaf. Get the eggs into a trashcan.

    Vine borers are different.


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